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culture context中文是什么意思

用"culture context"造句"culture context"怎么读"culture context" in a sentence


  • 第一节文化语境


  • The emergence and response of literary criticism in popular culture context
  • The destruction and construction of humanism spirit in the consumerism culture context
  • There were consanguineous relations among his theory , history complexion and culture context
  • Self - confidence in different culture context : a comparative study between female college students from japan and china
  • The inspiration from the research is that we should multi - dimensionly understand cooperative learning in our ethical culture context , so to improve the teachers training and search for a staff method about cooperative learning
  • It is arrosha , one character in in the world , whose love , struggle , exploration , choices and active life attitude that reflect the writer ' s broad - mind , and idealistic thought , which have very important spiritual values to those who lived in modern and post - mordern culture context
  • The author attempt to analyze the intercultural business negotiation process from a perspective of the relationship between culture context and intercultural business negotiation , and explores the function of cultural context within the four dimensions - interpretation function , constraint function , repairing function and choice of utterance function
  • In our country , curriculum content is determined by two culture context , namely two " pour " ( pour to face the western science rationalism to negate the traditional chinese culture completely ; pour to materialism but devaluates to suppress mentalism ) , which have resulted in the fact that students have no chances to get to all - sided and right knowledge . in curriculum organization , there is a lack of " embodiment " process , tampered with the student to mastery and application to knowledge , and knowledge devaluated
    两大文化理念即两个“一边倒” (倒向西方科学理性主义全盘否定中国传统文化;倒向唯物主义贬抑唯心主义)或知识观影响了我国对课程知识的选择,造成课程内容没有给学生提供全面的正确的知识;在课程组织上,则缺少“具体化”的环节,从而影响了学生对知识的掌握与应用,影响了知识价值的发挥。
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